The Adventures of Dash and Dot is an American animated educational television series created by Matthew O'Callaghan and based on the PBS Kids mascots of the same name[a]. The series was produced by Imagine Television and Universal Animation Studios in association with PBS for the PBS Kids block. The show centers around 7-year-old Dash and 4-year-old Dot, both voiced by Jacob Hopkins and Hadley Belle Miller. It takes place after the events of the 2009 animated film Dash and Dot's Wild Ride, and the short film Shot-to-Dot.
The show was conceived after the release of Dash and Dot's Wild Ride in October 2009. Matthew O'Callaghan, who had secured the rights with Universal Pictures, pitched a pilot episode draft to PBS Kids, which was green lit into a three-season television program. Christopher Lennertz composed the music for the show. The Adventures of Dash and Dot premiered on March 19, 2010 with the episode Dot's Allergy, and concluded on March 30, 2012 with the episode One Last Adventure. A follow-up streaming mini-series, titled Dash and Dot Stories, premiered from June 12, 2020 to May 28, 2021 on Netflix
Ms. Smith (voiced by Jennifer Hale), Dash and Dot's teacher at school.
Recurring characters[]
Sally (voiced by Madison Pettis), an 8-year-old girl with a red dress and a ponytail, who is Dash's closest friend.
Sid (voiced by Matthew Gumley), Sally's 5-year old younger brother and one of Dash and Dot's friends. He did not appear in the film Dash and Dot's Wild Ride, which the series takes place after.
Matt (voiced by Zachary Gordon), a slightly clumsy boy who is one of Dash and Dot's friends.
Mike (voiced by Jimmy Bennett), a smart boy who is one of Dash and Dot's friends.
Alisa (voiced by Chloƫ Grace Moretz), a cheeky and playful girl who is one of Dash and Dot's friends.
Caroline (voiced by Heather Goldenhersh), a meek yet sweet girl who is one of Dash and Dot's friends.
Pablo (voiced by Zach Shada), a boy with curly hair and a big nose who is one of Dash and Dot's friends, as well as the oldest out of all of them.
Estuardo (voiced by Grant Palmer), a boy with thin, curly hair who is one of Dash and Dot's friends.
Kaleigh (voiced by Dakota Fanning), a tomboyish girl who is one of Dash and Dot's friends.
Demi (voiced by Ariel Winter), a sassy girl who is one of Dash and Dot's friends.
Duncan (voiced by John Goodman), Dash and Dot's grandfather.
Donnell (voiced by Estelle Harris), Dash and Dot's grandmother.